In Odoo, operations like receipts, delivery, production etc. can include a process called quality checks. With this module we are including catch weight feature in quality checks.
Catchweight Web Responsive module is a backend theme for Catchweight modules.It helps to give you a clean layout with new attractive color combination to make your catchweight modules more attractive.
CatchWeight - Purchase and MRP Management moudule helps to manage the Kit wise purchase & manufacturing operations. Kits are unassembled raw components, which can sold as products with dual unit of measurements. ie, this module helps to sell kit products with base UOM Qty & Catch Weight UOM Qty. Goto Manufacturing >> Products >> Bill of Materials Choose a product from here. Then you can change the BoM Type to "Kit" after this you need to go to Purchase module and create RFQ for your product and enter the Quantity and if it is a Catch weight product then you need to enter the CW Quantity and confirm it. You can see a Receipt has been created for the components of your product.
Catchweight sales notes module helps to adds default terms and conditions option for catchweight.You also need the Catchweight core module to use this module.
Catchweight product average quantity helps you to manage average Catchweight quantity in sales, purchase, invoice, stock scrap, and return products. You also need the Catchweight core module to use this module.
The Catchweight manufacturing byproduct module helps you to manage manufacturing by-products with Catchweight quantity and measure. You also need the Catchweight core and Catchweight manufacturing module to use this module.
The Catchweight stock report module helps you to manage inventory stock report with Catchweight quantity and catchweight unit of measure. You also need the Catchweight core and report_xlsx module to use this module.