Today CATCHW8 places a big role in the area of exporting in the USA & Canada. Because Catchweight ERP was successfully implemented for a leading exporter that offers one of the widest ranges of products which is Foodlinx. Implementing a quality ERP like catchw8, for those who have the commitment to provide quality products, superior service, and a relationship anybody can trust is something great. It was a very happy moment to know that, the seasoned professionals at Foodlinx show you ways to consolidate savings and reduce transit time efficiently. Catchw8 placed one more golden star in the business history of the USA & Canada. With the implementation of this ERP, Catchweight also became part of easy international trade with Foodlinx. They offer the widest range of temperature-controlled food products, dry ingredients, protein and dairy products, a Deli & bakery, frozen food, and groceries globally, we are sure the Catchweight ERP will be an advantage in their food services & exporting.
Technaureus is sincerely thanked for the opportunity to work with an NPFDA, Port of Auckland, USDA, Urner Barry, USA poultry & egg export council associated USA & Canada based company- Foodlinx.